Welcome to
the Machine
A few posts back we introduced you to EPM Automate by
showing you how to install the tool and log in to your PBCS instance. Now let’s
take a deeper dive in to one of the more practical uses of EPM Automate – data
load automation. This post will focus on a few key commands used to execute a
data load to your PBCS app through EPM Automate: uploading data files to the PBCS Data
Management inbox, deleting files from the Data Management inbox, executing Data
Management data load rules, and running business rules in PBCS. So please join
us in learning how to create a nightly data load process for PBCS, don’t be
afraid – it’s easier than you might think.
Uploading a
The uploadfile command
can upload a file from the local machine to either the PBCS inbox/outbox, or
the Data Management inbox/outbox.
uploadfile “File_Name” [Data_Management_Folder]
Example 1 - Upload the file to the PBCS inbox/outbox
uploadfile “C:/Users/<someone>/Desktop/example.txt”
Note: the PBCS inbox/outbox is only accessible through the simplified
interface. ConsoleàActionsàInbox/Outbox
Example 2 - Upload the file to
the specified folder (Stats) in the Data Management inbox
epmautomate uploadfile “C:/Users/<someone>/Desktop/example.txt”
Deleting a
The deletefile
command searches for and deletes a file from the PBCS inbox/outbox or the Data
management inbox/outbox depending on where the file is located.
deletefile “File_Name” [Data_Management_Folder]
Example 1 - Delete the file from the PBCS inbox/outbox
deletefile “example.txt”
Example 2 - Delete the file from the specified Data Management folder
deletefile “inbox/Stats/example.txt”
Note: the Data Management file path must be provided to delete the file
from the Data Management inbox/outbox.
Running a
Data Load Rule
The rundatarule
command runs the specified data load rule in Data Management to load the data
file specified (either in the data load rule or the command line). Data Load
Rule status and details can be viewed in Data Management under Process Details.
epmautomate rundatarule Rule_Name
Start_Period End_Period Import_Mode Export_Mode [File_Name]
Import Mode: used to import the data to
the Data Management staging table
Append - Add to the existing POV data in Data
Replace - Replaces the existing POV data in Data
None - skip data import to Data Management
Export Mode: used to export the data from Data Management to the
PDCS Application
Store_Data - Merges new data with the existing
data in the PBCS application
Add_Data - Adds new data values to the existing
data values in the PBCS application
Subtract_Data - Subtracts new data values to the existing data values in
the PBCS application
Replace_Data - Clears all data for the POV and
replaces the data with the exported data.
None - skip the data export.
Start_Period/End_Period: Enables multi-period loads, period names
must be defined in the data load rule.
File_Name: specifies the file to load – if no file is specified the
file specified in the data load rule will be used.
Example 1: Single
period load
rundatarule Load_Rule Jan-16 Jan-16 Replace Store_Data
Example 2: Multi-period load
rundatarule Load_Rule Jan-16 Mar-16 Replace Store_Data
Example 3: Single period, File specified
epmautomate rundatarule Load_Rule
Jan-16 Jan-16 Replace Store_Data “inbox/Stats/example.txt”
Running a
Business Rule
The runbusinessrule command
allows a Business Rule to be run in PBCS. Business Rule status and details can
be checked in the Application Job console (ToolsàJob
Console) in the Classic Interface, or Jobs (ConsoleàJobs) in the Simplified
runbusinessrule Rule_Name [Parameter=Value]
Note: Parameter=Value is used to provide values for run-time prompts,
where Parameter is the name of the RTP and Value is the member being passed to
the rule.
Example 1
runbusinessrule Example_Agg
Example 2: with 2 Run Time Prompts
runbusinessrule Example_Agg rtp_Year=FY16 Scenario=Actual
Note: Parameter=Value can be used multiple times
in the same command.
Using a
batch Script and Windows Task Scheduler to automate the load process
Batch Scripting and the windows Task Scheduler can be used
to automate the On-Premise to PBCS data loads.
Example Batch Script
CD: C:\Oracle\EPM Automate\bin
Call EPMAutomate Login User_Name Password https://planning-IdentityDomain.pbcs.us2.oraclecloud.com IdentityDomain
Call EPMAutomate uploadfile “C:/users/<someone>/desktop/example.txt” inbox/folder
Call EPMAutomate rundatarule Load_Rule
Jan-16 Jan-16 Replace Store_Data “inbox/Stats/example.txt”
Call EPMAutomate runbusinessrule
Example_Agg rtp_Year=FY16 Scenario=Actual
Call EPMAutomate Logout